martes, 12 de abril de 2016


La semana pasada recibimos una visita muy particular: una célebre personalidad de nuestro país.

Eugenia Martínez de Irujo colabora con el programa EDUCO de becas de comedor y asistió a un acto de dicho programa en el comedor del cole.

Supongo que no podíamos dejar pasar la oportunidad de que conociera  qué es lo que se cuece en el aula de música así que Merche habló con ella y allí  que nos pilló en plena faena musical ensayando Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) que por cierto, es el tema más complejo que hemos acometido. 

Al ser un ensayo y no tenerlo cerrado solo pudo escuchar hasta la mitad aunque os debo decir que lo que sonó lo hizo muy bien. Si conseguimos cerrarlo, y tiene toda la pinta que así va a ser, habremos conseguido hacer algo realmente grande. ¡Ópera Rock son palabras mayores chicos!

Then we decided to play and sing a tune by The Creedence Clearwater Revival called "Have you ever seen the rain?"
This one we did manage to make it all the way down to the end and the sound again was really nice. All the voices in tune. Guitars, bass, drums and the keyboard all keeping the tempo just like a clockwork! 
What can I say guys??  I just love playing and singing with you so many congratulations once again.

When we finished I asked Eugenia what she thought about  the "mini show" she had just witnessed and it looks like she enjoyed it quite a lot! 

Actually, at some point while the rehearsal (ensayo) was going on, she decided to grasp the spirit of the moment by herself catching it on her own phone camera.

She also said she would love to see a full proper gig instead of just one song or two so she might turn up at one of the many performances we have planned for the next few months.
She is more than welcome of course!

Eugenia and her two companions said that it was really unusual for such young boys and girls to play and sing all those instruments by themselves. "Most children in other schools just play the recorder" they said.
Well, at Asturias Primary School we also play the recorder but that is just one instrument of a really interesting list, don't you think?

My dear students, always bear this in mind  and please don't forget it: music wise, you are no ordinary primary school children. You can be proud of that.

Keep it up!


1 comentario:

  1. Gracias Miguel por hacer que nos guste la música soy david Calvo de 2-A
