Hi folks! Click on the link below and play the body percussion exercise based on the tune composed by the great Henry Mancini.
Kisses! Miguel.
Hola chicos. Haced click para ejecutar el ejercicio de percusión corporal basado en la pieza compuesta por el gran Henry Mancini.
Click on the link below and place each of the four bars that you will see at the bottom on the right place. You need to score 80 points at least. Send me a photo of your score via email.
Haz click en el link de abajo y coloca cada uno de los cuatro compases de la parte inferior en su lugar correcto. Debes conseguir al menos 80 puntos. Manda una foto de tu puntuación via email.
Hi guys, on the link below you can practice Twinkle twinkle on the recorder. Copy the score on your music notebook. Then when you can play it on the recorder send a 20 sec long video to
Hola a todos. Haced click en el link de abajo para practicar Twinkle twinkle. Copiad la partitura en vuestro cuaderno. Cuando os salga con la flauta me mandáis un video de 20 segundos de duración aproximadamente a
Hi everyone. The following rhythms in the link are include single quavers next to crotchets producing a really cool music rhythm effect called syncopation. Don´t let these new notes freak you out, just follow the rhythm playing and singing along.
Send a 20 second long video to my email
Hi everyone
Click on the link to practice the song with the recorder. On the left you will see a diagram showing whtat holes you need to cover in case you forget how to play the notes by seeing them on the score.
Send a video to my email when you know how to play it. Include full name, grade and group.
Good luck and stay safe.
Hola a todos,
Haced click en en el link para tocar la canción con la flauta. En la parte izquierda del video tenéis un diagrama de la flauta donde veréis que agujeros tapar en caso de que hayáis olvidado como tocar las notas con solo verlas en el pentagrama.
Mandadme un video cuando sepáis como tocarla. Incluid vuestro nombre, apellido, curso y grupo,
Buena suerte y a cuidarse.
Hi everyone.
I hope you are all ok during this confinement. If you click on the links below you will see a couple of videos showing different rhythm patterns.
Practice them with your voice alone and when the timing is correct you can use your body as a percussion instrument: clapping your hands or tapping onto your legs to follow the notes.
Record it with your mobile phone and send it to my email address so that I can score you.
Stay safe and see you soon
Hi everyone. "Ode to Joy", is a well known piece by Beethoven. It is surprising how simplicity and beauty can go together so well! Try to play it on your recorder following this video.
Hola a todos!
Después de haber dado caña a la flauta durante el primer y segundo trimestre ahora vamos a centrar las próximas sesiones en otros instrumentos de la clase.
El otro día aprendimos los nombres de las partes de la batería (si necesitáis recordarlo podéis ir a la página principal donde aparece una pestaña específica de batería).
Es muy importante que el baterista conozca bien las figuras rítmicas del lenguaje musical, es decir: redondas, blancas, negras, corcheas, semicorcheas, silencios, etc. Cuanto más os familiaricéis con ellas más fácil os resultará aprender ritmos nuevos que es lo que mola para no quedarnos estancados y ser repetitivos.
It is very impotant for the drummer to know the duration of the different notes as well as how they sound.
I am talking about whole notes (redondas), half notes ( blancas), crotchets (negras), quavers (corcheas), semiquavers (semicorcheas) and rests (silencios)
If you click on the link below and follow the instructions you will become familiarised with them. It is a very easy exercise, meant to be for 2nd graders but what I want you to do once you complete each rhythm is to play them by using your body as a percussion instrument.
Play the crotchets stomping your right foot on the floor. Play the quavers tapping with your right hand on your laps. After that you can change this and play it the other way around: quavers with your foot and crotchets with your hand.
With this exercise you will gain a lot of practice and the good thing is that if you get it right on your own body then you will nail it on the drums straight away.
Miguel , the music teacher.
Click on the link below and place each of the four bars that you will see at the bottom on the right place. You need to score 80 points at least. Send me a photo of your score via email.
Haz click en el link de abajo y coloca cada uno de los cuatro compases de la parte inferior en su lugar correcto. Debes conseguir al menos 80 puntos. Manda una foto de tu puntuación via email.
Hi guys, on the link below you can practice Twinkle twinkle on the recorder. Copy the score on your music notebook. Then when you can play it on the recorder send a 20 sec long video to
Hola a todos. Haced click en el link de abajo para practicar Twinkle twinkle. Copiad la partitura en vuestro cuaderno. Cuando os salga con la flauta me mandáis un video de 20 segundos de duración aproximadamente a
Hi everyone. The following rhythms in the link are include single quavers next to crotchets producing a really cool music rhythm effect called syncopation. Don´t let these new notes freak you out, just follow the rhythm playing and singing along.
Send a 20 second long video to my email
Hi everyone
Click on the link to practice the song with the recorder. On the left you will see a diagram showing whtat holes you need to cover in case you forget how to play the notes by seeing them on the score.
Send a video to my email when you know how to play it. Include full name, grade and group.
Good luck and stay safe.
Hola a todos,
Haced click en en el link para tocar la canción con la flauta. En la parte izquierda del video tenéis un diagrama de la flauta donde veréis que agujeros tapar en caso de que hayáis olvidado como tocar las notas con solo verlas en el pentagrama.
Mandadme un video cuando sepáis como tocarla. Incluid vuestro nombre, apellido, curso y grupo,
Buena suerte y a cuidarse.
Hi everyone.
I hope you are all ok during this confinement. If you click on the links below you will see a couple of videos showing different rhythm patterns.
Practice them with your voice alone and when the timing is correct you can use your body as a percussion instrument: clapping your hands or tapping onto your legs to follow the notes.
Record it with your mobile phone and send it to my email address so that I can score you.
Stay safe and see you soon
Hi everyone. "Ode to Joy", is a well known piece by Beethoven. It is surprising how simplicity and beauty can go together so well! Try to play it on your recorder following this video.
Hola a todos!
Después de haber dado caña a la flauta durante el primer y segundo trimestre ahora vamos a centrar las próximas sesiones en otros instrumentos de la clase.
El otro día aprendimos los nombres de las partes de la batería (si necesitáis recordarlo podéis ir a la página principal donde aparece una pestaña específica de batería).
Es muy importante que el baterista conozca bien las figuras rítmicas del lenguaje musical, es decir: redondas, blancas, negras, corcheas, semicorcheas, silencios, etc. Cuanto más os familiaricéis con ellas más fácil os resultará aprender ritmos nuevos que es lo que mola para no quedarnos estancados y ser repetitivos.
It is very impotant for the drummer to know the duration of the different notes as well as how they sound.
I am talking about whole notes (redondas), half notes ( blancas), crotchets (negras), quavers (corcheas), semiquavers (semicorcheas) and rests (silencios)
If you click on the link below and follow the instructions you will become familiarised with them. It is a very easy exercise, meant to be for 2nd graders but what I want you to do once you complete each rhythm is to play them by using your body as a percussion instrument.
Play the crotchets stomping your right foot on the floor. Play the quavers tapping with your right hand on your laps. After that you can change this and play it the other way around: quavers with your foot and crotchets with your hand.
With this exercise you will gain a lot of practice and the good thing is that if you get it right on your own body then you will nail it on the drums straight away.
Miguel , the music teacher.
pamela cuarto que es tappig
ResponderEliminarHola Pamela. El verbo "to tap" significa golpear. "Tapping" es su forma en gerundio así que significa "golpeando". Un saludo